Factors such as gauge, stitch type, and finishing techniques play crucial roles in determining the performance and appearance of knitted fabrics:
Gauge: Gauge refers to the number of stitches per inch or centimeter in a knitted fabric. A finer gauge (more stitches per inch) typically results in a smoother, tighter fabric with finer detail, while a coarser gauge (fewer stitches per inch) produces a more open, textured fabric. The gauge affects the fabric's drape, elasticity, and overall feel.
Stitch Type: Different stitch types are used in knitting to achieve various textures, patterns, and structural characteristics in the fabric. For example:
Basic knit and purl stitches create simple, reversible fabrics with varying degrees of stretch and surface texture.
Ribbing stitches create stretchy, elastic fabrics often used for cuffs, collars, and waistbands.

Cable stitches produce raised, decorative motifs that add visual interest and texture to the fabric.
Lace stitches create open, airy fabrics with decorative patterns by incorporating yarn overs and decreases.
Finishing Techniques: Finishing techniques are applied to knitted fabrics after they are removed from the knitting machine or needles. These techniques can significantly impact the fabric's appearance, hand feel, and performance. Common finishing techniques include:
Blocking: This involves shaping and sizing the knitted fabric by wetting it and then gently stretching or reshaping it to the desired dimensions.
Washing and drying: Laundering the fabric can soften it, improve its drape, and remove any residual chemicals or sizing agents.
Pressing or steaming: Applying heat and pressure to the fabric can smooth out wrinkles, flatten seams, and enhance its appearance.
Embellishments: Adding surface treatments such as embroidery, appliqué, or beading can enhance the fabric's visual appeal and texture.